find one's feet
Definition: To become confident in a new situation, especially one that is difficult at first.
Bob is still finding his feet as a coach.
Bob 还在适应当教练的过程中。
Did it take you long to find your feet when you started your new job?
Everybody is in the same boat arriving at uni, don't be afraid, you will find your feet.
You can learn from someone who is an expert at what they do and use that experience to find your feet.
Alibaba’s start was initially rocky, facing the dot-com-bubble burst in 2000 and competition from eBay’s Chinese venture, EachNet. But with some help from investments from Yahoo, the company found its feet by the mid-2000s. Then, in 2014, Alibaba went public in what was the largest IPO(IPO: 财经术语 - 首次公开发行/首次公开募股) in US history. And the sale made Ma the richest man in China.
同时面对着2000年的「互联网泡沫破裂」危机和 eBay 在中国投资的「易趣网」这个强大的竞争对手,阿里巴巴创始之初并不是一帆风顺,随后得到「雅虎」的投资,该公司终于在2000年代中期站稳阵脚,并在2014年以创全美历史纪录的募集规模完成首次公开募股,通过这次上市集资,马云立“马”成了中国首富。
How Jack Ma Makes and Spends His Billions
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